Dr. Falcione combined a career as an active consultant with that of professor of organizational communication, researcher/author, and university administrator. Competencies in the area of conflict management, high-performance teams, facilitation skills, coaching and counseling skills, management and organization development, communication audits, customer service, and oral presentation skills have led to a variety of consulting assignments. For the last 20 years, a focus has been placed on PC/Internet-based 360-degree feedback, using Acumen Leadership assessments, and Panoramic Feedback instruments.
He has conducted training in communication and leadership skills for numerous government organizations such as the Dept. of the Navy, General Accounting Office, various county governments, the Dept. of Agriculture, National Institutes of Health. Selected business and association clients include AmeriChoice, United Health Care, National Association of Community Health Centers, Equitable Life Assurance of America, The Mortgage Corporation, Investment Companies Institute, Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, IBM, and Verizon.
Since 1985, Dr. Falcione has developed and delivered employee development courses for the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community. Since 1994, he has been one of the lead facilitators for the government-sponsored Security Briefers Course. He has also developed and delivered management and employee development courses for the Department of the Navy from 1976 to the present. Additionally, he has developed and delivered employee development courses for the Montgomery County Police Department and has trained nearly 1,000 police officers.
Significant experience in survey research methods has led to conducting communication audits for AT&T, the National Park Service, NOAA, HHS, NASA, a U.S. Senator's office, and various County Government offices. Other government clients include the Departments of the Air Force, Army, and Navy, Office of Personnel Management, Department of Labor, and the Defense Department.
A professor at the University of Maryland for over 30 years, Dr. Falcione retired, but periodically guest lectures in organizational communication, organization development, organizational behavior and human resources, and work team dynamics in the University’s Robert H. Smith School of Business and School of Public Policy.
He is a life member of the International Communication Association (ICA), past Chairperson of the Organizational Communication Division of ICA, past president of the Maryland Communication Association, member of the Association for Talent Development, and the Academy of Management.
Dr. Falcione holds a Ph.D. in organizational communication, and has published and presented over 60 articles and papers in the United States, Europe, and Asia. He has co-authored 11 books and numerous book chapters dealing with state-of-the-art research in organizational communication, and is often a guest speaker to diverse groups and associations.
His newest book is titled The "3 Things" That Make All the Difference: Communicating More Effectively at Work & Home, and can be purchased on